Hi. I’m Dave.
I Do Voice-overs.
Thank you for your interest in what I can do for you (American Male Voice Over). I have a very clear and articulate style that is excellent for training and non-fiction narration. Spiritual and Self-help are also in my wheelhouse. While this is my sweet spot, it is by no means the only voice-over type work that I can excel at. I’m sure we can work well together to get you what you need.*
- Narration
- e-Learning
- Explainer VO
- Commercials
- Promos
- Instructional Design
* I Will Work for Gumbo
About Me
At metus, sit egestas auctor morbi morbi duis erat ultrices adipiscing id sed id pellentesque tristique sed risus faucibus aliquet lacus, sagittis, lectus nec blandit pretium urna sit dignissim senectus arcu curabitur vulputate congue at non aliquet aenean non massa egestas nunc, curabitur id leo malesuada commodo, ornare adipiscing mauris ac varius ultricies adipiscing velit faucibus.
What I Do
These are samples of my work…

Audio Books
History Documentaries

Interactive voice response
Promotional Work

Olde Frothingslosh, NA
Podcast Work
Podcast – Bible Stories

I will be Reading Short Stories about and from the Bible.
I am currently reading a collection of stories from the Book, `The Wonder Book of Bible Stories’, as edited and arranged by Logan Marshall, published in the early 20th century.
Today we continue with the collection of stories from the Book, `The Wonder Book of Bible Stories’, as edited and arranged by Logan Marshall, published in the early 20th century. Today’s Story is “Turning Water into Wine”.
Artwork provided from the book.
Got Something to Say? Let me give it Voice.

Featured Work
Rio Watch Commercials
Gravida dapibus viverra condimentum hendrerit vestibulum nullam a risus, amet mollis turpis.
Sem aliquet dictumst mauris, sit dignissim orci rhoncus dui, pretium amet consectetur egestas sed pellentesque eget ut molestie cras in mauris mi viverra volutpat.
My Clients
Morbi lobortis morbi dignissim sodales eget mauris turpis interdum sagittis sed cursus nunc nulla congue quis.

Tobias Van Hale